The Miller

Clitopilus prunulus

18th September 2015, Knole Park, Sevenoaks
Growing in grass near various broad leaved trees. Small group, with clusters of two. Cap 4-8cm. Smell faint, perhaps fruit/apple. Very decurrent gills. Smell is not quite right for The Miller, but the other details are largely correct so seems likely. ID is guess. Sporeprint Pink. Spores 8-11.5µ x 3.5-4.5µ.

17th October 2014, Shipbourne Forest near Borough Green
Growing on rotted leafmould. Several scattered around. Cap 2-5cm. Mealy smell I think. Habitat isn't quite right for The Miller, but it fits in every other respect. Unfortunately forgot to get a specimen, so no spore picture. ID is very likely.
